Products from


Dairy farmer, Bois-Himont
Elise Heron
Interested by Butter & cream, cheese & yogurts & soft white cheese in Haute-Normandie? Theses products are sold by FERME DES NOISETIERS in Assemblies.

Butter & Cream

Find points of sale
Beurre demi-sel
Beurre doux
Crème fraîche
Beurre salé
Neufchâtel (blanc/jeune)

Yogurts & Soft white cheese

Find points of sale
Yaourt aux fruits rouges
Yaourt aux fruits exotiques
Yaourt à l'abricot
Yaourt aux pruneaux
lait cru
Cornets gaufrés

Ice Creams & Sorbets

Find points of sale
Vacherin Framboise Passion 8 parts
Vacherin Framboise Passion 6 parts
Vacherin Vanille Caramel au beurre salé 6 parts
Sorbet Pomme - bac