Products from

La Ferme Galobio

Chicken farmer, Notre-Dame-de-Courson
Gael Croquevielle
Interested by Soups and preserves, pulses & eggs in Basse-Normandie? Theses products are sold by La Ferme Galobio in Assemblies.

Soups and Preserves

Find points of sale
Bouillon d'os de poulet BIO nature
Pois cassés
Lentilles bio
Oeufs BIO Petit Calibre (S)
Oeufs BIO calibre moyen/gros (M/L)

Rillette and pâtés

Find points of sale
Rillettes de porc bio
Terrine de campagne BIO

Poultry and game

Find points of sale
Pintade BIO
2 cuisses de poulet jaune BIO
4 ailes de poulet jaune bio
Carcasse de poulet BIO
Coq au cidre