Products from

't Fazantenhof

Ice-cream maker, Dairy, Dairy farmer, Houthulst
Rik Latré
Interested by Butter & cream, eggs & cheese in Vlaanderen? Theses products are sold by 't Fazantenhof in Assemblies.

Butter & Cream

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hoeveboter gezouten
eieren klein
eieren groot
Keiems Bloempje Geit
Keiems bloempje met kruiden
Petit Latré aardbei
Kaas: Bryarde

Yogurts & Soft white cheese

Find points of sale
magere yoghurt limoen-cactus
magere yoghurt appel-kiwi
magere yoghurt limoen-cactus
magere yoghurt appel- kiwi
melk vol
karnedrink framboos

Pancakes and crepes

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siroop propolis
siroop met versterkende kruiden

Ice Creams & Sorbets

Find points of sale
IJs: aardbei
IJs: yoghurt bosbessen
ijs: caramel
ijs: banaan

Chocolate & Confectionery

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choco praliné
choco met veel hazelnoot
choco met vleugje hazelnoot

Jams, honey, stewed fruits

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Confituur rabarber
Confituur pruimen
Confituur aardbei-bosvruchten
Confituur rabarber-abrikoos

Cereals / Flour / Seeds

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pudding duo
pudding chocolade

Hampers and Baskets

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Verrassingsmandje large
Verrassingsmandje extra large
Verrassingsmandje small
Verrassingsmandje medium