Products from

Ferme Manche

Vegetable grower, Templeuve
Thomas Manche
Thomas Manche started Ferme Manche in 2012. Their farm is located in Templeuve, Région Wallonne.

Their farm

Producteur de fraises, framboises, cerises, pommes et poires.
Fabrication de jus : pommes, pommes-poires, pommes-fraises, pommes-cerises, pommes-betteraves.
Mise à disposition de notre pressoir.

2, rue du Géant Atlas
7520 Templeuve
Established in
full-time employee

Ferme Manche's professions and practices


5 species grown each year

Outdoor cultivation

Crop maintenance

Crop care : not specified

Plants and seeds

Origin of plants or seeds : not specified

Type of plants or seeds : not specified


I use honey in my other products

Other ingredients : not specified

Origin of other ingredients : not specified

Features of the other ingredients : not specified

This information has been declared by the Producer.