Products from

Claire L'Happycultrice

Beekeeper, Neuvic
Claire Lamargot
Interested by Chocolate & confectionery, food supplements & condiments & preserves in Aquitaine? Theses products are sold by Claire L'Happycultrice in Assemblies.

Chocolate & Confectionery

Find points of sale
PB Gelée Royale
PX miel de chataîgner bio

Food supplements

Find points of sale
PX Miel de forêt bio

Condiments & preserves

Find points of sale
PB Vinaigre de Miel
St Philippe Vinaigre de Miel

Jams, honey, stewed fruits

Find points of sale
Périgueux Miel de fleurs bio
PB Extrait de propolis
PB Miel d'été bio
PB Miel de chataîgnier bio