Products from

La Ferme du Grand Cros

Herb grower, Fruit farmer, Sheep farmer, Fossemagne
Séverine Bosq
Séverine Bosq started La Ferme du Grand Cros in 2018. Their farm is located in Fossemagne, Aquitaine.

Their farm

La Ferme du Grand Cros (anciennement ferme Hortélie) se situe en Périgord noir.
Nous produisons des plantes aromatiques (tisanes, hydrolats, mélanges culinaires...) ; des fruits (pommes, raisins, poires...); des jus et compotes et de l'élevage ovin viande.
Nous sommes labellisé bio pour les plantes aromatiques et en conversion bio sur les autres productions.

384 chemin du bout du monde
24210 Fossemagne
Established in
full-time employee

La Ferme du Grand Cros's professions and practices


I use my own premise

Base ingredient

Plantes aromatiques

All the main ingredients I use are produced by myself

I use organic ingredients

Secondary ingredients

Secondary ingredients : not specified

Origin of secondary ingredients : not specified

Features of secondary products : not specified

Other ingredients

Other ingredients : not specified

Origin of other ingredients : not specified

Features of the other ingredients : not specified

This information has been declared by the Producer.