Products from


Goat farmer, Cheesemaker, Siebengewald
Lisanne Van De Mast
Lisanne Van De Mast started Geitengeluk in 2018. Their farm is located in Siebengewald, Limburg.

Their farm

Geitengeluk is een kleinschalige kaasboerderij in het noorden van Limburg ten noord-oosten van de Maasduinen. Dierwelzijn en productkwaliteit staat bij ons centraal. Zo leven de geiten in een kleine kudde, melken wij ze zelf elke dag, krijgen ze meer ruimte, mogen ze hun hoorns behouden en gaan ze naar buiten. Van de melk die onze geiten geven maken we verschillende kaas-en zuivelproducten. Waaronder Cum Laude winnaar'18: onze heerlijke kwark!

Vrij, 5
5853 EJ Siebengewald
Established in
full-time employee

Geitengeluk's professions and practices


50 animals

Nederlandse witte saanengeiten, Britsche toggenburgers, Franse Alpines en een beetje Nubische geit.

Breeding methods

The livestock is born on my farm

I rear my animals in open air


My animals have a diet based on processed food (granules, flour, pellets), My animails have a diet based on grass or other fodder

The food for my animals comes from a non-EU supplier, The food for my animals comes from a national supplier, The food for my animals comes from a local farmer, The food for my animals is produced on my farm

I use GMO-free feed

Care of livestock

I only treat the animals in case of illness

I use vaccinations on my animals, I use homeopathic care on my animals, I use an antibiotic-based care

Processing and secondary ingredients

I use my produce in my other products

The other ingredients involved are : Stremsel, zuursel, kruiden en vruchten

My ingredients come from a national supplier, All the other ingredients I use are produced by myself

Other ingredients are local (less than 150 miles)

This information has been declared by the Producer.