Products from


Confectioner, Montrabé
Olivier Nouvel
Interested by Chocolate & confectionery & cereals / flour / seeds in Midi-Pyrénées? Theses products are sold by GOURMIE'S in Assemblies.

Chocolate & Confectionery

Find points of sale
Offre découverte 10 barres Gourmiz!
Offre découverte 5 barres Gourmiz' !

Cereals / Flour / Seeds

Find points of sale
10 barres Gourmiz' sport Cacao cru, Noisettes
Offre découverte 10 barres Gourmiz' avec 5 parfums différents
10 barres Gourmiz' sport Tomates, Olives, Courge
10 barres Gourmiz' Citron, Amandes