Products from

La Conserverie Locale

Preserves maker, Metz
Manon Carre
Interested by Soups and preserves, syrups & chocolate & confectionery in Lorraine? Theses products are sold by La Conserverie Locale in Assemblies.

Soups and Preserves

Find points of sale
Tartinade Fenouil poivre noir BIO - 145 g
Sirop de Lavande BIO 50cl

Chocolate & Confectionery

Find points of sale
Pâte à tartiner Pois Chiche Chocolat BIO 165g - Retour en stock
Tartinade Curry d'Aubergine aux Lentilles - Nouveauté !
Tartinade Navet Thym BIO 140g - Offre Bon Plan DDM
Tartinade Orientale Tomate & Pois Chiche Bio 150g
Tartinade Thaï Courgette Pois Chiche 145g
Ketchup Carotte Chimichurri 145g - Bon Plan DDM
Ketchup Betterave aux Graines de Moutarde BIO 145g

Condiments & preserves

Find points of sale
Pickles Navet BIO 104g - Bon Plan DDM
Pickles Betterave Graines de Moutarde BIO 184g - Bon Plan DDM
Pickles Oignon BIO 104g - Offre Bon Plan DDM
Tartinade Carotte Cumin BIO 140g

Jams, honey, stewed fruits

Find points of sale
Pâte à Tartiner Pomme Spéculoos 290g - Offre Bon Plan DDM
Délice Rhubarbe Gingembre 160g - Offre Bon Plan DDM
Confiture Pomme Cardamome 170g - Offre Bon Plan DDM
Confiture Pomme Gingembre BIO 300g - Bon Plan DDM

Hampers and Baskets

Find points of sale
Coffre Barbecue - Bon Plan DDM
Coffret Cadeau Pâtes à Tartiner - Offre Bon Plan DDM Courte
Coffret Cadeau Douceurs d'Hiver (bleu) - Bon Plan DDM
Coffret Cadeau pour Fromages