Products from


Avicultor/a, Ramader/a de vedells, Hasselbach
Pascal Walterschen
Interested by Vedella, aviram i caça & foie gras i confits in Rheinland-Pfalz? Theses products are sold by Schöffenhof in Assemblies.
Gulasch vom Limousin Rind TK
Filetstück vom Limousin Rind TK
Bratenstück vom Limousin Rind TK
Hackfleisch vom Rind TK

Aviram i caça

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Gänsekeule TK
Gänsebrust TK
Hähnchenoberschenkel TK
Hähnchenbrust Innenfilet TK

Foie Gras i confits

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Entenbrust TK