Products from


Preserves maker, Soisy-Bouy
Aurelie Carrillo
Interested by Soups and preserves, sauces & coffee, tea and infusions in Ile-de-France? Theses products are sold by LE JARDIN E(S)T LA RECETTE in Assemblies.

Soups and Preserves

Find points of sale
Bouillon de tous les jours - Sachet
Bouillon d'ailleurs, mais d'ici ! - Sachet
Zaatar qui sent l'jardin - Sachet
Gomasio 100% local - Sachet

Coffee, tea and infusions

Find points of sale
Sobacha à la verveine du jardin - 85g
Laurier noble du jardin - 25g
Graines d'orties du jardin - 20g
Feuilles de Mélisse entières du jardin - 20g

Condiments & preserves

Find points of sale
Pack 5 recharges du moment
Sucre aux aiguilles de Douglas - Sachet
Pesto sec betteraves, tilleul & noisettes - Sachet
Pesto sec lamier, tomates & amandes - Sachet