Products from

La Belle

Biscuit/Cookie maker, Preserves maker, Caterer, Thenon
Helen Mange
Interested by Soups and preserves, pastry & appetiser in Aquitaine? Theses products are sold by La Belle in Assemblies.

Soups and Preserves

Find points of sale
Souplette Courges Estragon
Sablés Coco *S.G Sachet refermable 140 g
Sablés Coco *S.G Sachet refermable 140 g
Sablés Coco *S.G Sachet refermable 140 g
Sablés Noisettes *S.G Sachet refermable 140 g
Crème de Lentilles aux Noix du Périgord BOCAL WECK 165…
Crème de Lentilles aux Noix du Périgord BOCAL WECK 165…
Apéro Cracks Sésames *S.G Sachet refermable 85 g
Apéro Cracks Pavot Paprika *S.G Sachet refermable 85 g

Condiments & preserves

Find points of sale
Ketchup POTIRON Bocal WECK 110 g
Ketchup POTIRON Bocal WECK 110 g
Ketchup de Tomates Vertes Bocal WECK 110 g
Ketchup de Tomates Vertes Bocal WECK 110 g

Jams, honey, stewed fruits

Find points of sale
Compotine Pomme Poire Verveine citronnelle Bocal WECK …
Compotine Pomme Poire Verveine citronnelle Bocal WECK …
Compotine Pomme Kiwi Menthe Bocal WECK 220 ml 180 g
Compotine Pomme Kiwi Gingembre Bocal WECK 220 ml 180 g