Products from

NATURAWASH Lessive Solidaire a.s.b.l.

Non-food artisan, Pont-à-Celles
Yves Louis
Interested by Home and care & hygiene in Région Wallonne? Theses products are sold by NATURAWASH Lessive Solidaire a.s.b.l. in Assemblies.

Home and Care

Find points of sale
Soin du linge (balles + lessive gratuite)
EcogarantiePETANature & Progrès
Gel lessive en vrac/ Wasgel in bulk
Balles de lavage BAL-O-NET/Wasballen BAL-O-NET
EcogarantiePETANature & Progrès
Gel lessive en bidon 1 L/ Wasgel in fles van 1 L
EcogarantiePETANature & Progrès
Lessive en vrac