Das Angebot von

Clean Eats

Bäcker/Konditor, Liestal
Emily Johnson-haug
Hallo, ich bin Emily Johnson-haug vom Betrieb Clean Eats. Seit 2017 biete ich frische Produkte aus Liestal in der Region Basel-Landschaft.

Mein Betrieb

Before I knew about my gluten intolerance, I loved food. Pizza, pasta, burger, schnitzel ... but shortly after eating I would get harsh stomach pain.
After a long odyssey from doctor to doctor and from specialist to specialists, I figured out the cause: gluten intolerance and even celiac disease. Goodbye burgers, cakes and pasta.
While most restaurants, take-away's and café's cringe at the request for "gluten-free" food, I was suddenly suddenly faced with a big challenge: the uncertainty whether I could eat out and more importantly, whether I would ever be able to enjoy favourites such as cheesecake, brownies and cookies.
With the aim of making life a little more enjoyable for me and other gluten-free people, I began to create gluten-free foods, which are even better than the original dishes.

Oristalstrasse 49
4410 Liestal
Jahr der Gründung
Vollzeit- Mitarbeiter

Meine Methoden und Standards

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