Products from

Zwamburg BV

Mushroom grower, Schimmert
Rob Hermans
Interested by Soups and preserves, pulses & vegetables in Limburg? Theses products are sold by Zwamburg BV in Assemblies.

Soups and Preserves

Find points of sale
09a. Groentensoep met shiitake en champignons
09c. Luxe bospaddenstoelensoep (VEGAN)
Oesterzwammen chips
Shiitake chips
04. Shii-take
12a.Oesterzwam kroket 8 stuks
10a. Vegan Zwamburger
05.Portobello (per stuk)

Alcoholic beverages

Find points of sale
16. Oesterzwammen dubbel bier

Cereals / Flour / Seeds

Find points of sale
17a. Zwam Pasta
17b. Mushroom pasta pakket
9c. Oesterzwammen zuurvlees (VEGAN)
10d. VEGAN paddo worstenbroodjes (NEW)

Hampers and Baskets

Find points of sale
17c.Risotto pakket
17c. Mushroom pasta pakket (GLUTEN VRIJ)