Depuis 3 générations, nous transformons une grande partie de notre production laitière. Nous essayons d'agrandir notre gamme de produits en fonction de la tendance.
200 animals
The livestock is born on my farm
I rear my animals in open air, I rear my animals inside
My animals have a diet based on processed food (granules, flour, pellets), My animails have a diet based on grass or other fodder, My animals have a diet based on grain, I use of vitamins and dietary supplements for my animals
The food for my animals is produced on my farm, The food for my animals comes from an EU supplier
I use GMO-free feed
I have a preventative care system
I use vaccinations on my animals, I use an antibiotic-based care
I use my produce in my other products
The other ingredients involved are : arômes yaourts
My ingredients come from a national supplier
Products coming from conventional sources