Products from

Ferme De Ruyver Delem Maes

Dairy farmer, Baugnies
Ferme De Ruyver Delem Maes
Ferme De Ruyver Delem Maes started Ferme De Ruyver Delem Maes in 1992. Their farm is located in Baugnies, Région Wallonne.

Their farm

Depuis 3 générations, nous transformons une grande partie de notre production laitière. Nous essayons d'agrandir notre gamme de produits en fonction de la tendance.

38, rue de mortagne
7604 Baugnies
Established in
full-time employees

Ferme De Ruyver Delem Maes's professions and practices


200 animals


Breeding methods

The livestock is born on my farm

I rear my animals in open air, I rear my animals inside


My animals have a diet based on processed food (granules, flour, pellets), My animails have a diet based on grass or other fodder, My animals have a diet based on grain, I use of vitamins and dietary supplements for my animals

The food for my animals is produced on my farm, The food for my animals comes from an EU supplier

I use GMO-free feed

Care of livestock

I have a preventative care system

I use vaccinations on my animals, I use an antibiotic-based care

Processing and secondary ingredients

I use my produce in my other products

The other ingredients involved are : arômes yaourts

My ingredients come from a national supplier

Products coming from conventional sources

This information has been declared by the Producer.