Products from

Boulangerie Sottiaux

Baker, Bachant
Sottiaux Gerald
Sottiaux Gerald started Boulangerie Sottiaux in 2010. Their farm is located in Bachant, Nord-Pas-de-Calais.

Their farm

Je me suis installé à Bachant il y a 8 ans. Ma production est artisanale avec des produits de qualité. Nous ne sommes que 2 (mon épouse et moi) et actuellement un apprenti.

28 rue edmond havret
59138 Bachant
Established in
full-time employees

Boulangerie Sottiaux's professions and practices


My ingredients come from a national supplier

I use special flour, I use conventional flour

Other ingredients

The other ingredients used are : eau, levure, sel

My ingredients come from a national supplier

Local ingredients (less than 150 miles), products coming from conventional sources


I use baker's yeast


Electric oven

This information has been declared by the Producer.