Products from

carpentier germain

Vegetable grower, Croix-Mare
Germain Carpentier
Germain Carpentier started carpentier germain in 2016. Their farm is located in Croix-Mare, Haute-Normandie.

Their farm

germain carpentier jeune maraicher de 32 ans installé depuis 4ans sur une surface d'environ 3hectare dont 2000m² de serre sur la commune de Croixmare. je produis toutes sortes de légumes ( haricot , radis ,tomate ,aubergine, salade, mâche , endive ,oignon, courgette, concombre, épinard, haricot ,petit pois ....)

je cultive tous ces bon légumes en Agriculture biologiques

Vous pouvez voir toutes nos productions sur Facebook : « lejardindegermain »

1171 route de freville
76190 Croix-Mare
Established in
full-time employee

carpentier germain's professions and practices


20 species grown each year

Outdoor cultivation, grown in a cold greenhouse

Crop maintenance

Use of organic fertilisers (manure), Integrated organic farming, respect of permaculture guidelines, use of fertilisers and organic plant protection materials, respect of biodynamic guidelines

Plants and seeds

My seeds come from a non-EU supplier, My ingredients come from a national supplier, My ingredients come from a local farmer, The seeds I used are produce in my own farm

Farmer seeds, conventional seeds, non-treated seeds


I don't process my products

Other ingredients : not specified

Origin of other ingredients : not specified

Features of the other ingredients : not specified

This information has been declared by the Producer.