Products from

Du pré à la bouche

Butcher, Charcutier, Caterer, Bombaye
Daniel Et Brigitte Piron
Daniel Et Brigitte Piron started Du pré à la bouche in 2018. Their farm is located in Bombaye, Région Wallonne.

Their farm

Nichée au cœur du village de Bombaye (au cœur de Dalhem), la boucherie à la ferme de Brigitte et Daniel vous propose des viandes et préparations, issues directement de leur élevage et produites sur place.
Venez les découvrir et goûter la saveur authentique d’animaux élevés en plein air et nourris de cultures fourragères cultivées à la ferme.

Rue de l’Eglise, 13
4607 Bombaye
Established in
full-time employees

Du pré à la bouche's professions and practices


I use my own premise

Base ingredient

Base ingredient : not specified

My ingredients come from a national supplier, My ingredients come from a local farmer, All the main ingredients I use are produced by myself

I use local products (-150 km), I use products from a certified source, I use handmade ingredients

Secondary ingredients

Secondary ingredients : not specified

My ingredients come from a national supplier, My ingredients come from a local farmer, The secondary ingredients I use are produced by myself

I use local products (-150 km), I use products from a certified source, I use handmade ingredients

Other ingredients

Other ingredients : not specified

My ingredients come from a national supplier, My other ingredients come from a local farmer, I produce the ingredients myself

I use products from a certified source, I use local products (-150 km), I use handmade ingredients

This information has been declared by the Producer.