Products from

Les Jardins de la Montagne Verte

Vegetable grower, Strasbourg
Nicolas Meyer
Interested by Hampers and baskets, soups and preserves & herbs and plants in Alsace? Theses products are sold by Les Jardins de la Montagne Verte in Assemblies.

Hampers and Baskets

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Panier de légumes
Grand panier de légumes

Soups and Preserves

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Velouté de poireaux et navets
Velouté aux 2 Courgettes
Velouté aux 5 Légumes
Velouté de Poireaux

Herbs and Plants

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Basilic canelle botte
Basilic citron botte
Chou kale
Betterave Botte
Oeufs Extra Frais
Sauce tomate des Jardins

Coffee, tea and infusions

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Infusion Bio Matin tonique
Infusion Bio Détox
Infusion Bio Douce nuit
Infusion Bio Vitalité