Products from

Ferme Berling

Chicken farmer, Duck farmer, Drusenheim
Franck Berling
Interested by Rillette and pâtés, other meats & poultry and game in Alsace? Theses products are sold by Ferme Berling in Assemblies.

Rillette and pâtés

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Rillettes de canard
Rôti de lapin

Poultry and game

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Cuisse de Poulet
Chipolata de dinde
Chorizo de Dinde

Foie Gras and Confit

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Magret de canard
Foie gras d'oie mi cuit
Steack de canard mariné
Foie gras canard mi cuit
Saucisson sec dinde
Saucisse blanche au fromage
Tourte volaille