Products from

La Chesnaie

Sheep farmer, Chicken farmer, Vegetable grower, Fay-aux-Loges
Hugo Pobelle
Hugo Pobelle started La Chesnaie in 2019. Their farm is located in Fay-aux-Loges, Centre.

Their farm

Depuis le 1 avril 2019, nous sommes installés à La Chesnaie à Fay aux Loges.
Élodie y gère la partie maraichère, en bio, produisant des légumes de saisons.
Hugo y gère la partie élevage, produisant :
- en bio, des oeufs et des volailles de chair
- prochainement en conversion vers le bio, des agneaux en caissette.
De nombreux projets sont encore à venir !

La Chesnaie
45450 Fay-aux-Loges
Established in
full-time employees

La Chesnaie's professions and practices


90 animals

Berrichon du Cher

Breeding methods

The livestock is born on my farm

I rear my animals in open air, I rear my animals inside


My animails have a diet based on grass or other fodder, My animals have a diet based on processed food (granules, flour, pellets), My animals have a diet based on grain

The food for my animals comes from a national supplier, The food for my animals comes from a local farmer, The food for my animals is produced on my farm

Guaranteed GMO-free : not specified

Care of livestock

I only treat the animals in case of illness

Type of treatment : not specified

Processing and secondary ingredients

I don't process my products

Other ingredients : not specified

Origin of other ingredients : not specified

Features of the other ingredients : not specified


Atelier en pleine construction... encore pas mal de choses à régler. Parcelles en cours de conversion vers le bio. La conversion du troupeau est prévue prochainement. Un projet en agroforesterie est en cours de réflexion.

This information has been declared by the Producer.