Products from

Honsem Traditional Fruits

Fruit farmer, Drink and Juice producer, Boutersem
Frans De Schamphelaere
Frans De Schamphelaere started Honsem Traditional Fruits in 2018. Their farm is located in Boutersem, Vlaanderen.

Their farm

Producent appelsap uit ecologisch beheerde boomgaard met meer dan 150 variëteiten aan hoogstammen, waar gestreefd wordt naar hoge biodiversiteit.

Doornstraat 11
3370 Boutersem
Established in
full-time employee

Honsem Traditional Fruits's professions and practices


150 species grown each year

Outdoor cultivation

Crop maintenance

Respect of biodynamic guidelines

Plants and seeds

The seeds I used are produce in my own farm

Non-treated seeds, farmer seeds


Production by a third party

The other ingredients involved are : Geen

All the other ingredients I use are produced by myself

Local ingredients (less than 150 miles), handmade ingredients

This information has been declared by the Producer.