Products from

Bergerie du Faubourg

Dairy sheep farmer, Niederbronn-les-Bains
Eric Hauswald
Eric Hauswald started Bergerie du Faubourg in 2022. Their farm is located in Niederbronn-les-Bains, Alsace.

Their farm

Élevage ovin laitier, avec transformation en yaourt et fromages

25 faubourg des Pierres
67110 Niederbronn-les-Bains
Established in
full-time employee

Bergerie du Faubourg's professions and practices


40 animals

Lacaune, basco bearnaise

Breeding methods

The livestock is born on my farm

I rear my animals in open air


My animails have a diet based on grass or other fodder, My animals have a diet based on grain

The food for my animals comes from a local farmer, The food for my animals is produced on my farm

I use GMO-free feed

Care of livestock

I only treat the animals in case of illness

I use homeopathic care on my animals, I use an antibiotic-based care

Processing and secondary ingredients

I use my produce in my other products

The other ingredients involved are : ferments, presure

My ingredients come from a national supplier

Other ingredients are organic


Fromage de Brebis en saison, brebis nourri exclusivement al'herbe, avec un apport en cereales bio locales, et en foin de luzerne issue d'engrais vert bio locales.

This information has been declared by the Producer.