Products from

Les jardins de la Houssiette

Vegetable grower, La Houssaye-en-Brie
Sylvie Juteau
Interested by Soups and preserves, vegetables & fruits in Ile-de-France? Theses products are sold by Les jardins de la Houssiette in Assemblies.

Soups and Preserves

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PROMO Ratatouille en pot
Part de Potiron
Potimarron Shiatsu
Carottes en vrac
Oignon blanc nouveau en botte
Jus de Pomme bio

Alcoholic beverages

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Bière de brie Blanche
Bière de brie Ambrée
Bière de brie Blonde
Bière Briarde IPA

Garden & Yard

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Plant Noir de Crimée
Pot Basilic Pourpre Lucie
Plant de tomate cerise black cherry
Pot Basilic Compacto

Condiments & preserves

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Vinaigre de cidre bio

Jams, honey, stewed fruits

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Miel fleur de printemps
Miel de Tilleul
Miel d'acacia